Single speed rear, triple front..........?

rocky mountain

Devout Dirtbag
can you run a single speed surly chain tensioner with three rings and front derailleur to give a three speed experience?

any thoughts or laughs of derision?

I run a dual speed set up with 2 at the front and one at the back using a Rohloff tensioner. Not sure what your tensioner is like but you need one with 2 wheels. It's ideal for when you have a bit of road work to do in between the offroad sections of your chosen track :D . Works fine and dandy. I would assume would work for triple as long as the cage is big enough in the Rohloff to accommodate the largest ring (which it may not be). I use my finger/heel to change gear! Mine's like this (not my actual bike, photo from google):



i was going to buy a Surly chain tensioner, i have a 26,36,46 Middleburn set of rings.

Most of my ride is fairly flat, but i do have one or two very steep hills to go up.
It would be a kinda weird set up. How big are the hills? Onroad or off road? Chainline could be an issue too.
This from the paul components site on there melvin tensioner:

One of the coolest things about the Melvin is that it allows two front chain rings to be used (of course this is no longer a single speed, sob, but can be very handy for loaded commuting) Because we use two pulleys, two chain rings with a maximum difference of twenty teeth can be used up front. With a little practice, a deft finger and a delicate heel make a fine front derailleur.

So you would, I imagine at least need a two wheel tensioner. Have a look at the white industries website too which has a 2 chainring/2 freewheel set up.
That Paul approach is exactly the one I take. Are you really sure you need 3 rings? You could use an old derailleur temporarily to try it out - you'll need to out a short length of cable though between the crimping bolt and the barrel adjuster to maintain chainline. Works though.
three rings or two

i can ditch the granny ring, i need the 36 and the largest sprocket for my big hills. after that i generally ride on the 46 and about the third and fourth largest.

i ride about 60-80 miles a week to work on old railway tracks, i am lucky that i only have a very short distance on road.

will chase up the links.
Like the bit about a "deft finger", lucky you have ten to practice with.
Shimano now do a chain tensioner for the Alfine group. It's available in black or silver. Doesn't look as nice as the Paul's though it probably costs far less.