Single Speed - Ratios

robadub":3np9qqvg said:
just gonna hijack this thread for a second :LOL:

i am in the process of building up my singlespeed at the mo and have got a 16 teeth cog on the back

the bike will only be used on roads but i am fairly (very :LOL: ) unfit so was just wondering what you guys think i should try on the front ?

I would go 34T front and see how you get on
36:16 on my Gary Fisher; mostly a commuter but Schwalbe City Jet tyres and a couple of 'grassy' areas en-route!

I do sometimes spin out on road, so have toyed with the idea of a bigger front/smaller rear combo (or one or the other).
I've recently finished building my Zaskar single speed.

It's currently 42:14 with 175mm cranks and 1.5 slicks, only used on the road, but I spin out all the time on it, so I might try changing the chainring for a 44T.