Single Speed - Ratios


Devout Dirtbag
I'm thinking (it happens :shock: ) of turning the Zaskar into a lightweight single speed hack.

What ratios are people running?
34:16 on my 29er (approx 36:16 equivalent for 26er).

Thing to do is take your geared bike and stick it in middle ring. Then try staying in one of the rear gears for as long as you can, try a few of them - the one you find the most comfortable is your ratio ;) Go convert it to singlespeed.
just gonna hijack this thread for a second :LOL:

i am in the process of building up my singlespeed at the mo and have got a 16 teeth cog on the back

the bike will only be used on roads but i am fairly (very :LOL: ) unfit so was just wondering what you guys think i should try on the front ?