*sighs* Missy? You fkd up big time baby!

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Skeelsie":3lsjgmho said:
Christ that's quite a conviction.
I'm surprised the sentencing in the US can be as little as five years!
According to the scientists recently sacked for embarrassing G Brown by telling the truth when he had been lying, the drug she was convicted of trafficking is not harmful - in contrast to tobacco which causes over 100,000 deaths a year in the UK, 4.9million worldwide according to the WHO.

If she had been trafficking a drug that kills its users, that would be sinful. Her real crime was that, unlike the tobacco industry, she wasn't propping up the economy by paying massive amounts of taxes and she wasn't putting money in politicians' back pockets to buy protection.

Still a shame though. She could have made more than that by being a chat show host.
Anthony":3dlzpuks said:
If she had been trafficking a drug that kills its users, that would be sinful. Her real crime was that, unlike the tobacco industry, she wasn't propping up the economy by paying massive amounts of taxes and she wasn't putting money in politicians' back pockets to buy protection.

Still a shame though. She could have made more than that by being a chat show host.

Obviously cannabis isn't a killer but you've got to be a little lost/desperate to get involved in the trafficking of kilo's of the stuff, especially in a nation, that in my perception, isn't particularly soft on drugs.

I guess you can draw many similarities with her story and the continual battle between Smokey and Sheriff Buford T. Justice in the Bandit films.

Fellas, we are all skirting around the real question:

Would you?

Call me weird but I fancied the arse off her back in the day :twisted:.
Mr Footlong":22nqxcgz said:
Fellas, we are all skirting around the real question:


Would you?

Call me weird but I fancied the arse off her back in the day :twisted:.

What? Her???
You are weird....
Re: Stupid

webby said:
Accomplished so much... she rode a bike downhill (pretty fast) but is that really an accomplisment, it was her job, she got paid. End of.

She's no hero, she was a professional cyclist, now a drug trafficer which has potentially killed people. She is scum, end of!
..........what a load of bollax :twisted: typical answer off a person who has not got a clue what there talking about.. People with ms carnt get enough of weed
(ive got mates with it)for fuk sake thats the only way to live with there pain so how is that killin people id rather my kids smoke that than fags :evil: :x

whoa! Jesus christmas biscuits!
There are some really extreme comments coming out here.
I agree with Anthony on this one, sure it can lead to other things and so on, but who hasnt stepped outside of the law or done something that they later regretted, or gone through a bad period in their life. Sure she was stupid and did the crime, got caught and will now do the time but a bit of compassion wouldnt go astray for someone who used to be a big name in the period of our sport that we all love so much.
A bit of forgiveness for her stupidity? She will pay through the system and hopefully after 5 years she will learn from it and turn her life around, probably better than if she didnt get caught, because after hauling around a horse trailer full of the stuff and that much cash things can only get worse, consequence wise. The initial reports after she was arrested were saying she faced 20 years so at least now she can turn it round once out.
This is not usually the serious things I comment on on a forum as everyone has their own opinion/view but some of the comments here are sounding pretty angry and bordering on hateful. Not the usual retrobike bike stuff more like a cyclingnews forum on dopers.
So in finishing.........chill.

and no I wouldnt as she is twice the man I will ever be ;)

Sigh, I feel sorry for her, she made some bad decisions, she's going to pay for them, it's really too bad. Calling her scum is an ill-considered knee-jerk reaction. Do you know how many kids in America have Ritalin prescriptions? Estimates range between 4 and 5 million. Ritalin is an amphetamine, yet the doctors who are giving speed to kids won't get thrown in jail or be called 'scum'.

As to the 'would you' question, based on this magazine cover I would have to say that even if you 'would', unless you're a member of the fairer sex Missy almost definitely would not.

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