show us your Rocky Mountains!

Wow, I've been kinda offline for a while and just noticed all these new additions to the thread. Thanks to all for bringing this back alive! The new contributions are ace! 8)

Some are downright SEXY! :shock:

Al, you need to post some proper LARGER pics! ;)
Here we go, these are al from above big we can see them now ;)




fluffychicken, able to use the internet

my now built-up 2004 Blizzard ... :D

Really love the way it looks and rides. Fork looks a bit plain - maybe I should attach a couple of "maple leaf" decals to it. Any other suggestions?


  • b04.webp
    69 KB · Views: 2,385
I'm still working on this for my wife but it's a nice little bike.....16 inch Vertex Team SC 2003 from what I can gather.


Here's my '91 RM Experience. I love this frame. It's heavy, but it's bombproof and its handling is fantastic. Climbs like a scalded cat, too.

The only mods are a Girvin Flex Stem (but that's pretty retro, too), and changing the crummy 1st gen Grip Shifters to Shimano rapid fire shifters about 15 years ago. It's got a new saddle on it, too.

Here's the Experience info and specifications page from the 1991 Rocky Mountain Catalog. Open a PDF from this link
