Show us your Gravel Bikes

We sell a lot of touring bikes, and by the early 2000s these were available with disc brakes, and tyre clearances were getting larger...

When the marketing guys at the head offices realised it was a market to be tapped they moved away from horrendous cx bikes with high bottom bracket, super stiff frames and slimline luggage hanging on velcro, and offered us the concept of the Gravel Adventure bike.
It used to be called The touring bike -

it's a fairly straight evolutionary path, but although tourers were common ish in the UK, they were fairly rare elsewhere in the world.
I have been asked if I was riding a gravel bike before.
If "atb bikes" are "perfect for every route", why do canyon make other bikes?

Artificial Ignorance if you ask me.
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I have seen new bikes advertised as ATB somewhere lately too! I guess now they have 'ruggidised' the 'gravel' bikes with suspension and all that fancy gubbins they need some new marketing ideas.