WOW! VF, that is one beautiful looking place to ride! and on a very lovely looking karate Monkey I should add
Shame about the tyre but there are worse places to walk I am sure.
I have added my marker to Jimo's for my guess at where that ball is.
I think next macretro ride is at yours
Next MacRetro ride is not at his as its beyond the edge of the world. He might be closer to you Jamie and to Brian but first we central belters have first to get to Ullapool then a fairly long ferry ride to Stornoway. My great granny came from there and once she left in the 1900's she never went back as its a blooming long way. I am content to look at the stunning photos
Lovely scenic Scottish pics as ever. Nice to see folk are getting out and about.
Reason for post was there's talk about a Retrobike branded Snood(buff neckie type thing). Looking for customers, to get the price down from a tenner to £6.80+post. Needs about another 6 customers. Currently 19 orders.
Also bumped into Kaiser the other day. He was doing some sort of deliveries on the bike(big square box) Must say he's looking well. Bit of grey like us all But nice to see folk are still about.
After the less than ideal week with rain, snow and sunshine it was good to have the day live up to the forecast with bright sunshine and little wind for once. Not all great news as the forecast was also for rain and sleet in the evening. So after a quick trip to town for work this morning I headed out just before 12. Plan was to drive out towards Loch More and head south on the eastern side of the Altnabreac loop but instead of turning west at the old Dalnawillan graveyard I headed south on the rapidly deteriorating dirt road. Went from the flow country up into the hillier country before stopping to make a brew and eat my sandwiches. The road which had been wet clay for the last few miles was getting wetter and more slushy as I went, the increasing wind from the high hills was very cold still and seen as how it had gone 4pm I decided to start heading back. A great day out and yes, I may have been quicker on the Pugsley or Mercian but this was a recce for a camping trip so I rode the Bullitt. A nice relaxing ride and I was carrying quite a lot of stuff to weigh it down.
Made it home for 6.15 which was perfect timing as Heather messaged me that she had made pizza dough and sauce, so fire up the pizza oven and dinner within the hour
Hope others had nice weather as well. It is now sleeting here so a good call to go today, besides it is tour of Flanders tomorrow
Jamie, you should supply the company that made that cargo bike with publicity photos. I do not think they intended the Bullit to be used for backroads trekking in the wilderness but its obviously capable
Plus if that's what you Highlanders call a rapidly deteriorating mud road you need to get down here and see our heavily used rapidly deteriorating tarmac roads. Our mud roads are completely fecked
Just a bit of clyde coast mooching for me this week with my 10 year old, hoping to discover more decent trails in the area over the coming months now that I'll be spending more time up here.
Hoping to do callendar woods and carron valley in may when I'm next up.
At Easter Heather, Caleb and myself were away for 5 days down south. Four of those day were spent in not quite so sunny Helensburgh catching up with family and friends. We finally went back to the Air B&B that we had in 2019 and have had booked since we left but like many things, covid has meant it took until this Easter for it to happen again. Our friends we stay in it with unfortunately got Covid a few days before so it was just us with visits from family and eating with friends. I did manage to take the Jack Taylor away with me and got a few rides in, both late afternoon/evening rides for a couple of hours. Both times headed down the water towards Gairloch . The Saturday I went through to Gairloch and the Sunday I turned inland at the navy base up into a long climb and into the next valley whose name escapes me. Lovely ride on both days and spoiled with the bike lanes cycle paths for most of it. Despite getting a bit wet one night they were both really nice rides with stopping to read the information boards and various things about.
Hope everyone else had a nice Easter and maybe we should think of another Macretro Easter away trip for next year
A couple of pics.