Show us what you did today, thread

Visited my daughter in the Heilans at the weekend and took the single speed with me

Saturday the wind was brutal swirling all over the place and making for tough work on the bike. The forecast said it was N.NE but it was all over the place and when it swung round I was down to 3mph, it was like hitting a brick wall and the return journey left me drained

Sunday was a lot calmer and the sun came our for a bit

Well done John. You remain as keen as ever !
Forecast is for steady/heavy rain all this week so you'll need to time your rides to fit the dry spells or stick to the track
Not sure if it's keen or mad Andy but still enjoying the challenges

Have a couple of hours booked for the velodrome so that will keep me dry

How are you getting on with that vintage bike you were sorting up?
Its in bits and the frame has been stripped and primered. Wife always finds lots of other things for me to do so not much time to spend on it and no time , it seems , to actualy go out for a ride !
Out on the moonie this morning, but I dare not post another photo of a fatbike with some scenery lest Velo gives me a row again. :oops: :LOL:

But I have some pictures of the third iteration of the beloved monkey which I finally finished this avo.

Cola bottle for the first person who spots the mistake! :facepalm:



Now that is nice! How big are the tyres on the Dually's? Just a description would be fine :)
Cheers K.
Carcass widths of 2.4 for the Schwalbe and 2.25 for the WTB. Knobs stick out further on the Hans.
Not a huge difference to what they run on the 42mm Dominators.

edit to add: just spotted you said Duallys. These are just the blunt 35s which are the updated P35s. I ordered the rims about 2 days before Singular Sam offered his £85 deal for the duallys. :cry: