Show us what you did today, thread

Fantastic pics once again, I had planned on a wee run today on my new steed but the better half had plans for me. Looks like you got a great day for it.
Lucky boys. We had driech mist and drizzle all day and today isn’t looking any better..
Good go see you both out again.
GFBD this past Saturday and so keeping with tradition I ventured out for a ride with Brian, on his carbon singlespeed Chinese Fatbike, though this time we were joined by Caleb, who on his Baby Fatty had his first taste of the Puffer course.
Another grand day out though we did have to stop ever more regularly to pump up Brians slow leaking rear tyre. I just don't think it likes this Puffer course as Brian had used it the last couple of days with no problem but soon as back on the Puffer track it behaved how it did several years back during the race where I think Brian went through about 4 tubes or so and then parked it, drove home, rebuilt his Pugsley and returned to finish the race, vowing the carbon rubbish was headed for the great cull and to be sold off. From vague memory that was about 6 or more years ago now and it seemed like daja vu to see him start the ride full of praise and joy for the carbon fatty only to finishing wondering whether he was going to sell it or toss it in the bushes. We shall see.
It all made for a fun day out and good to be back on the Pugsley again. I think I worked out I have been running that for about 11 or so years now and always been singlespeed, even though I have a 9 speed cassette, a Sunrace thumbshifter and an XT long cage mech sitting in a box just waiting for when I get old. :) I did buy a set of Geoff bars from On one to fit, but I may treat it to another repaint this winter, not sure yet.


Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas and spent some nice time with family.
I finally managed to get the Pugsley out boxing day evening and fit my On One Geoff bars after riding the last couple of years with the straight Nitto Surly bars. Fitted up my Troutie lights as well trying to make some effort to be prepared for the Strathpuffer.
Luckily the following day we awoke to a bit of snow and managed a late afternoon/evening ride out while it was still snowing on and off.
The bars were great, so nice to be back on a loop bar and the Pugs ran nicely, though it was maybe the engine that was not quite firing on all cylinders after being a bit unwell before Christmas. To the point where I even dug out the XT rear Derailleur and the 9 speed thumbshifter ready to try it. Thankfully I came to my senses and stayed singlespeed, must have been delusional ;)
Happy New Year when it comes and really hope we can all catch up soon.


Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
@Jamiedyer at least you've done more 'Puffer prep than me! 😅. I think I'll just be riding for a few hours & then calling it a day, soak up the atmosphere & enjoy the Puffer experience.

I did some bike prep today though.... last week I somehow managed to cross thread a tubeless valve 🙄. So today I had to wrestle with a slimy eel of a tyre insert, got covered in tubeless sealant, but at least the new valve is now fitted.


And as I'd got the bikes out I thought I'd take a pic of the skeleton collection i now have, just 3!! bikes (which if you read "The Rules" is the minimum number of bikes one should own 😉)
Spot the modern bike dwarfing the retro ones 😂...

Reformed character Jim?
Or has the missus finally put her foot down?

Pretty sure there’s a theme to your collection but I just can’t spot it.
Annoyingly I was offered a solo place in this year's puffer which is on my bucket list a couple of days after I signed a contract with Tesco’s for a month's work in January working weekends. So darn and blast I have had to cancel my place to earn dosh in a supermarket...... aaaarrrrrrggggggggggg😬😬😬

Try again next year🙄