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Getting lazy so dug out the old Bowery singlespeed for a bit of Tarmac Aversion Therapy, aka road ride. (The Bowery is my bike from Oz which I took over here last year)

Headed up the hill to the Highland Cafe for lunch.

A bit of heavy breathing was involved, but a surprisingly easy climb on a bike with stiff chainstays.

Thought about heading over to the Struie to have a go at it seeing as the bike was going uphill so nicely, but the headwind was so fierce I had to pedal on the downhills. That meant I would have a good wind assist up the Struie, but that would be cheating, wouldn't it?

Instead I went for a short loop round Cromarty Firth and got soaked by the rain.

The saddle has spent 15 years in the Northern Australian sun and any semblance of flexibility or compliance has long since been baked out of it so there was some discomfort, almost to Brook Swallow standards. :)

Somehow I found myself off the tarmac a few times...

Keith is liking single speed road bikes by Giant!!!!!!!!!!!

The situation in the world today is worse than I thought!!!!!!!

Time to dig the Armageddon bunker and buy enough pot noodles and bogroll for ten years underground.
That’s a cracking looking bike.
It's been up more mountains than a lot of mountainbikes. :)

Just been out again today trying it out on all the local hills. It's got up all of them so far.

Some nice single lane roads around here. Ideal for single speed. :)

Also found this fine looking wee fellow. Got a bit cranky when I tried to get him off the road.


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Wee man been under the weather, so not been far from home all weekend. Temperature back to normal this morning so let him play in the garden while I tidied my spares drawers in the garage and removed the extremely out of date food bars from my camelback.
Not the most exciting weekend but I now know where tyre levers go to die! 3E355311-616C-4C3F-8494-7D6C17531AD1.webp
Nice selection of tyre levers there Clubby, I remember those Milk Levers from years ago!

I'm still recovering from an off at Drumtochty last week, ribs dont feel any better after a week but I know from past experience it can take a while to improve, so I took a leisurely ride along the seafront this morning, as any huffing and puffing up hills would be agony 😄

Still, I couldn't help myself and had to have a little ride on the sea wall, the camber was steeper than it looks, but fortunately the Smoke/Dart combo gripped. I should probably leave that kind of thing to the Hans Reys of the world ...

Hi all
Hope the little man is on the improve Clubby, never a nice thing with the wee ones.
Out for a brief ride yesterday and then again today though at a slower pace today as I went up the back roads with Caleb on his tourer and myself on the Flying Scot Ventoux. It's running nicely as I changed a few things around so now it is all back to the Arabesque groupset, levers as well. It is a very 'quick' geometry compared to my other rides and especially compared to the Flying Scot Continental. Even though I'm vertically challenged and always have small framesets I don't usually have any real problem with toe strike but I have it quite a bit with this one, despite thinking I would get used to it or just adjust to it. The differences between this and the Continental are really pronounced. To give you some idea of the sharpness of this frame, the difference in chain stays is the Ventoux about an 1 1/2 inch shorter, 1 1/2 inch less rake, 1/2 inch shorter in the seatstay. It's very 'responsive' for sure.
Anyway it was running sweetly and it was good to be out with the boy pootling about. The sun came out nicely and made it all the more enjoyable.
Hope you all have had a nice weekend.


IMG_5618 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5619 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5626 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5631 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Has everyone abandoned Retrobike? It's been very quiet on here recently, so I thought I'd add a few pics of my ride today.
Yesterday was our daughters 22nd Birthday and we'd agreed she could have a birthday party in our flat whilst Myself and MrsJimo escaped for a night in Dundee (we were assured the party would be civilised 🤔), so this morning after breakfast at the hotel I headed off to see what was nearby whilst MrsJimo slept off last nights wine (and to help clear my own head too!!) 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷😆
The hotel was by the old docks so I threw a weary leg over the Orange Five and headed off. There are some pretty cool cycle paths and things to see in Dundee, I rode around the old docks and then along past the V&A museum, before heading onto the Tay Bridge.
It was a grey misty morning but nice enough to ride around, I'd brought no cycling gear with me as I hadn't planned on going for a ride, so I was in Jean's and trainers, jacket, and no helmet, and it felt very normal!
I had planned to cross the Tay Bridge but with the poor visibility and checking out time fast approaching I decided to head back to the hotel.
Thank goodness my ribs are on the mend, it's still a bit painful pulling up on the bars to lift the front wheel, and taking deep breaths, but hopefully by next week I'll be able to manage a "proper" mtb ride 😀.
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