Show us what you did today, thread


choices are sweet
clubby":1oqha96r said:
Sounds like a great few days Jamie, kind of thing that’s only a pipe dream for me at the moment.
Would like to see the Jenny Graham talk. Saw the Lee Craigie “Divided” film and talk at the Bespoked show last year and it was incredible. The spirit and resolve of these riders is amazing.

Cheers Clubby
hope all is well with you and the family and managing to get some sleep.
Don't worry, you will soon be back into it, and it will probably be different, better but different, you will have other adventures and make some shared memories along the way. :)
I seen Lee a couple of Friday mornings ago waiting at Thurso station when I went past, she had her kit bag with her. Have spoken to her at the puffer a couple of brief times and yeah, she is not just a legend on the bike but one of lifes good people. Herself and the Syndicate do a lot of mentoring of young kids and especially young girls with not just the racing but all aspects of riding.

For me today the weather was pretty rubbish on the main and I had a bit of dismantling to do on the green Mercian as it may be going off for paint in the next couple of weeks, so it was needing the headset etc removed but alongside I thought I would maybe build up the other Mercian KOM I have had waiting in the loft patiently, for far too long to be honest. I thought I would temporarily put it together, then I thought maybe I should build it, ride it and maybe get it painted instead :) I am nothing if not indecisive :)
The real thought behind it is one gets painted and the other may be sold, so I want to paint and keep the right one ;)
One is a light tourer King of Mercia and the other is a touring King of Mercia so they are different. Road geometry v's Touring geometry, and I do like my tourers ;)


DSC_0289 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_0295 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
The beautiful blue 653 would be my choice.....
What’s the geometry of your Jack Taylor? Both the Mercians are nice, so I’d the one with the different geometry to the Taylor.
Blue on is nice though, especially with a set of frog leg canti’s on it.
It was a lovely day up here today, slight wind blowing but nowhere near as bad as the last week. I could tolerate the wind a bit easier due to the lovely sunshine.
Like Clubby spent some time relaxing with the family, late breakfast etc so a really chilled morning, then got stuck into a few jobs that needed doing around the place all the while planning a ride out later in the afternoon on the trusty Merckx. Shameful to say that it is only the first time out this year for my pampered favourite :) This was also as it was the start of the classics this week with E3 on Thursday and Gent -Welvgem today, favourite time of year. So after a great race on the box I went out and put in some quick miles and realised why I love this bike so much. It just seems effortless, fits like a glove and is so precise and slick in all respects. While I bought this frame and built it up almost 18 years ago it still feels like new to me, despite lots and lots of miles. I suppose I maintain this pretty tightly but every time I think I will upgrade something, I end up leaving it as it works faultlessly. It was built as a do it all workhorse and it far exceeds that.
While due to storage it has gone back in the loft for the next week with the wheels tucked away in their bag until I can make some room in the small shed. Anyway a good family day with a good spring classic followed by a good ride on a great bike in the sunshine! Long may it last and hopefully the day was as nice for everyone else.


DSCN5710 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_0288 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_0308 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Good looking bike Jamie......
Thanks mate,
When I bought it new nobody wanted steel as carbon was just coming into it big time, but it was what I always wanted so when I had the chance to get it ex factory I took it. There wasn't retro back then, just old and most of my mates thought I was crazy not getting an aluminium Flyer as it was much lighter. I was tempted though as before I went to see about I was at the tour and a kiwi girl I used to know showed up in a town we were staying and she had just been and picked up her new alu bike an Alu Sprint I think, from the factory in Miesse on the way to meet us and it was stunning, black with yellow sort of tribal graphics, really nice. I stayed true though and went with the Corsa Extra, they were selling them off as nobody was buying steel anymore so my custom size should have been £599 but I ended up getting it for about half. This was the bike I had wanted for a long time and from the other side of the world but always financially out of reach but when I was looking at it over here and Patrick from Interbike said to me I should make up my mind as they are stopping steel and won't do anymore custom, then it was now or never. So trip to Belgium, a few phone calls and Interbike handling the funds I got my Merckx. It is built with the Ultegra and 105 as that is what I had been running on my Giant TCR since 98 and it had never let me down. This was to be my do it all bike as I had no idea where I would end up at that stage so it was setup with what I knew worked for me.
Anyway, I ramble but safe to say this one will be staying with me.
