Show us what you did today, thread

Spent this afternoon watching the Tour as it has been peeing down up here today.
I also spent some time bringing my old blog up to date.
I figured a while back (2014, I think) that rather than have lots of posts spread over different forums etc I would just post stuff on a blog. It made sense at the time and then just went into the background and while I set a blog up and put a couple of posts up it slowly got forgotten about. Then a short while back when the Fatbike Forum just disappeared with everyones posts and ride reports, along with it being mentioned that most of my posts on here aren't ridden on retrobikes I thought I would put some stuff on the blog to keep it in one place, not really for anyone but more for myself and also for Caleb.
Well finally I brought it fully up to date and will hopefully keep it going. A lot of it is just modified posts/ride reports from here and elsewhere and a few more compilation type ones about certain rides, though the bulk is taken from retrorides and retrobike posts I have not tagged peoples names or used surnames in titles etc in case someone doesn't want to be associated. A couple of the photos are from the original retrobike posts authored by me but originally might have had someone elses photo included, if anyone wants them down then let me know. I'm thinking off the top of my head Brian, Klaus and Arron.
Lots of varied cycling stuff with about 160 odd posts with the bulk going on in the last month. I tried to do it in chronological order and have the original date in the title. Took a lot of time to reread and change things then post in a different format, let alone try and find the lost photobucket photos.
Just thought I would mention it here as someone might like a look and see what you think.


Been in watching the Tour as well Jamie, like up at your place there's been some heavy rain. Ground is so dry though, it dried up in an hour or so, even the big puddle at end of our road has dried out now.

Just had a wee look at your blog, will have a longer rummage later. Like the pic of Beinn Eighe, is it?

And I'd totally ignore anybody mentioning you not riding a retro bike all the time on the rides you post up here.
You and Brian are the most frequent posters on here that put up stories of your rides with loads of pics, which I appreciate very much. I always feel guilty that I don't take pics very often.
Hi mate
Thanks for the kind words.
That is the one I think, just between Torrindon and Kinlochewe. That picture was from one of the randonneur rides last year with Brian, a really lovely spot. Coincidentally, or maybe not, the picture that was the one with the heading on the blog was also from that same place but was/is my all time favourite photo taken by Kaiser on the Torrindon weekend a few years back. (posted below) with me on the 1X1 in the lower corner. Just love that photo. I did think it might be a bit rude using one of Klaus's photos for the heading. :)
Brian and I would cover a lot more ground and be far far quicker if we didn't stop and take photos all the time. For me I just think I live and ride in such a beautiful country and reminded of that when I'm out riding and whilst not always being great with words, the photo speaks volumes to describe these places.
You will have to head up this way and come riding with us one weekend.

Kaisers awesome photo.
7126092965_e7a48e47dd_b by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

You and Brian go way further than me, scary to think how much further you'd go if ye didnae take photies. :cool:

Hadn't noticed anybody was in pic till you mentioned it, looking at hill, then did a
"There's Jamie". :mrgreen:
epicyclo":2044yqbm said:
I forgot you lived in that area. If you're interested the Highland Classic Lightweights group is planning a loop around the peninsula, and if they don't the heavyweights on old roadsters will be doing it. Mainly a tea and cake ride... (if anywhere is open, that is :) )

Unfortunately my only lightweight is part recycled coke tins and part plastic so not terribly classic (although it's in a suitably retro black and white colour scheme!)

If it were on a Saturday I would be interested, have to confess I haven't touched the roadster in over a year (doesn't help that it's rather badly stored at my parents' house) but I'm pretty sure a bit of air in the tyres and a wipe over with an oily rag would have it back in service... never did get round to rebuilding the hub so it's effectively a 2 speed but I'm sure that would be OK so long as the pace wasn't too hot!
Re: Re:

old_coyote_pedaller":2x6gn4xg said:
You and Brian go way further than me, scary to think how much further you'd go if ye didnae take photies...
Photos are just an excuse for the stop. The truth is I'm getting old and frail, and they are really stops to get a bit more oxygen in the lungs - even though I've already succumbed to the lure of gears. :)
That's right, me being a young man means I just stop to help the old and frail :) Whilst gulping in lungfulls of air as casually as I can :)

(you know I'm only joking as his pace means I need those lungfulls)
ajm":22xa4p0q said:
...If it were on a Saturday I would be interested, have to confess I haven't touched the roadster in over a year (doesn't help that it's rather badly stored at my parents' house) but I'm pretty sure a bit of air in the tyres and a wipe over with an oily rag would have it back in service... never did get round to rebuilding the hub so it's effectively a 2 speed but I'm sure that would be OK so long as the pace wasn't too hot!
If you'd like to suggest a Saturday so you have enough time to check the bike over, let's see what can be organised.

The pace is never hot btw, only an arse leaves folk behind.

Edit: I'm assuming you live in the Portmahomack area. There's lots of interesting Pictish stuff around. If you like, why don't you pick a route that will take us to those and other historical spots. It doesn't have to be a huge ride, the only necessity is a decent stop (or two) for tea and cake (ANTA?)

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