Show us what you did today, thread

Re: Re:

kaiser":3db1wpa1 said:
Nice! Had a footer with a pair in bothy bikes....asked the price and gently replaced them on the hook.

aye, they weren't super cheap, but were cheaper than anywhere else I could find in the UK, and he threw in the extra long ESI grips for free, so no complaints

they're forking light though, lighter than the Thomson Ti bars :cool:

Is there any advantage in use from the shape of those bars?
There would have to be for me to use them as I think they look gouping, don't contribute to the aesthetics of a bike either.

supposed to be comfy, I'm getting iffy wrists and elbows as I get older, guess I'll find out .....

I find swept bars very good when the going is slow, they are comfy and allow you to lift the front of the bike a bit easier. Where they fall down imo is when the speed picks up, something flatter puts you in a position where you can brace against anything pushing the front wheel awry. Same for wider bars too, bigger lever keeps you straighter.
I use the Titec versions of the H bars which are basically the same without the cross section at the front. The sweep is exactly the same. Titec used to have the licence to make aluminium Jones bars while he made the carbon. Then he withdrew the licence so he could sell alu versions. Exactly the same as mine, made in the same factory and they are two pounds short of double the price.
As for the bars I love them, hence why they are on my Pugsley and my 1X1. very comfortable, good for all day riding whatever the terrain and the position is very natural.

Jamiedyer":1ijdw9cy said:
Between this and the boat thread......this place is getting weird ;)
well weirder anyway :)


Aye, all we need is some pics of you out on a bleak windswept beach with the kids.
Ach, no seals this time...... Another beach, another day out, another chance of seals. :LOL: ;)

velomaniac":1ijdw9cy said:
Stop slagging History Mans spesh with the big front wheel.

It's really not that noticeable

Those bars look pretty cool. Looks like you could mount your GPS and all sorts on the cross member, as well as a nice bag. What is the bike they are on?

Get some ESI tape Velofrog and tape up the inner flats and most of the loop. Makes those parts of the bar much nicer to use. I left a 2" gap at the front loop for mounting gps etc.
I've the older slightly narrower ones and love them on the Jones, where unsurprisingly they work great. On long rides the different positions make a difference. Do agree with Kaiser though, not sure I'd want them on a full sus or for aggro riding. Big sweep looks odd but gets weight back over the steerer which is great on steep downs. Means you don't have to lean so far back and can keep a comfortable bend at the elbows to absorb bumps.
On Saturday Velo came to the Highlands!
Brian and Velo had be wheeling and dealing and swapping very old bike parts and Brian thought while Velo was up he would organise a bit of a ride to show him the scenery.
Brian and I were on our 1X1's and Velo was riding Brians hub geared titanium 29'er.
We had a gentle ride through from Strathpeffer over the hills to end up at Garve, a bit of an unhealthy lunch then further up the river and then retrace our steps back with a few deviations. Up one side of the river, back down the other, high roads instead of low trails etc.
It was a very enjoyable, sociable ride. It was great to catch up with Velo and show him some of our local trails. I say local as I used to live in Garve before moving north. I used to run the huskies all around there.
Velo soon realised how we get waylaid by exploring odd trails up in the hills, quite often leading to dead ends. Brian unfortunately hurt his recently healed pulled leg muscle, he got home alright but the last few miles looked a bit of an effort.
It was a very enjoyable day and I believe we were out for about 5 or more hours before dismantling bikes and bits and pieces before dropping Velo in Inverness before heading home.
I had a great day and really enjoyed myself. We need to do it again with more macretros :)


Here' s some pics

DSCN2272 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2273 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2279 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2281 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2292 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2300 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2306 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2309 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2314 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2327 (2) by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2278 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr