Show us what you did today, thread


Eight days but mainly work. Did long days so managed two days off at the end. No serious cycling; just an afternoon trundle in the mist. Lovely though. We stayed at a wee cottage in Westing (SW Unst). Right on the shore. Great wee spot. Definitely going back.
Had a short couple of hours out along the coast yesterday on the LHT.
Saturdays weather was a wash out up here and Sundays improved as the day went on but the wind was very strong. Nice in the afternoon so got some easy miles in trying to setup my new Brooks saddle. Not 100% sure on it yet, its comfortable enough at the moment but I tried to set it up starting where my old one was which just wouldn't work. I kept sliding forward and so moved the saddle around and its currently 20ml further forward than my old one, this helped but still I was sliding onto the nose piece. I adjusted it on the seatpost and tilting it slightly up at the front by 2 notches was too much and eventually moved it to 1 notch and its better. I think because its new I am sliding now not the angle. By the end I was happier but time will tell. Anyway couldn't have been to much of a bother as I was happy to keep on heading into the wind but thought I better head back for dinner.
Anyway, just thought I would share.

Getting arty now eh? No wonder I bought a Brooks, I'm becoming a pretentious wanker

Thanks mate,
Here's another of the same cliff. there wasn't too much in the way of birds yesterday. A couple of months ago and it was full of Razorbills, Puffins, Fulmars etc.
I like it as I sit and wait to see what comes out of the small cave about halfway down, seen near the outside edge.


Fur Rob ;)






