Show us what you did today, thread

Emlyn_Dewar":1fqkvo83 said:
Will need to service the Magura rim brakes if putting them back on this, anyone got experience with this? Am I looking at a lot of foul language, whilst brakes spew oil all over the house?
I bought one of these last year: ... p2074.html

I seem to remember it being a bit cheaper though... It worked out to be not bad value for me since I was replacing the hose on both brakes, so I needed new olives, etc. It'll be cheaper just to source a couple of syringes, a barbed fitting, some hose and generic mineral oil.

It's pretty straightforward if I remember... unscrew bleed bolt at caliper, barbed fitting screws into bolt hole, syringe full of mineral oil + hose + then fits onto barb. At lever end, first of all loosen on bars and rotate until 90 degrees, unscrew bleed bolt and just push fit other syringe + hose. Then push new mineral oil through system from caliper until you see fresh mineral oil at the lever and/or no bubbles.

There are probably better instructions somewhere on the site, or even the Magura tech website itself, it's pretty helpful.
Picked this little minter up - removed mudguards; next modification is to add Specialized QR's and riser bars, remove toe-clips, give it a polish and.... that's about it?

Further to discusions on another part of the forum a nice man stopped by the house today to drop something off. :D


In the words of Rolf Harris, can you tell what it is yet?
