Show us what you did today, thread

The Ken":3urkv88g said:
I had a vaguel for breakfast this morning.

I'M STILL WANTING A TRANSAM , but seeing the 29 version now put a bit of an issue in the way, which one now? :twisted:

i was like that on monday
think i need more fibre in my diet
2 hours on the local trails on the saracen, might be the last time on the red machine.

can i just say now gazz that i think you will regret selling that
especially if your replacing it with a furquay or however it is spelt

i may be wrong and i hope i am but ......
Its actually a dekerf boys and If the killi was a bit bigger then it would be going in the loft for the future but I think it is just a tad to small. It was good today but it is a refined machine that can be wasted on my brutish style :oops: