Should I get a bell?

A yes for a bell . I have one fitted to my daily rides .

It's up to $50 though! 😨
(I'm not buying a bell that looks like a bell okay)

How do you justify that kind of outlay?
Especially since it benefits other people.
Less than $5 buys a bell that benefits other people. And they don't care what a cyclist's bell looks like, or whether it's a cheap knock-off or original, designer bell. Money spent over and above that amount is really to benefit the aesthetic, design, or perhaps even snob sensibilities of the cyclist.

Personally, I've never had an issue with bells that looks like bells. It's a look that works for me.
You can't win. Some folk find being pinged at rude, some complain that you don't have a bell if you simply say "excuse me."

In my experience most people here react more positiv to a bell than to politely shouting.
I guess its because shouting may sound more threatening when they don't expect someone comming.
With a bell most people know instantly that its just a bike and no one is yelling at them.

Ususally I ring the bell way ahead, they look back, I smile and give a little wave, they smile back and move to the side.
Then a quick "Thank you" while passing and everyone is happy ;)
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Always just interacted with them, a simple excuse me if my gear changes don't alert them first. Though like @Chopper the ex Copper said above, occasionally someone will suggest I get a bell, usually older folk tbf, though I am lucky and ride 95% off-road so tend not to come across many people.
Yes get a bell. We have cateye bells and they work well and are loud enough but you always get the ones that pretend not to hear to be awkward, I'm talking about where there's two of them so they can't both be deaf.
Did ask a couple once if they were deaf and he said up yours. I just laughed and carried on
I looked at chest cam once as this couple pretty much wouldn't move for ages and had to shout. had already been ringing bell. chest cam shown him turn round and have a look behind when I was some distance away