Wanted Short drop brake calipers - hex nut fitting - Now Sorted!


Gold Trader
MacRetro Rider
Looking for a pair of short drop hex nut fitting brake calipers for the Wester Ross
Drop me a line if you have anything, much appreciated


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As short (race) drop brakes came into being, it was also the point at which Allen key mounting became common. So, while what you want may be out there, it might not be common.
Another approach might be to use an AK fitting front brake on the rear with a nut and try to find a long bolt for the front

As an aside, I'm intrigued that you're looking for race drop brakes for a Wester Ross, as I thought they were all touring frames??
52 is fairly long though - most short drop calipers are mid 40s max.
Especially the good ones.
What is the drop you need, and what period calipers do you want?
i have a pair of ultra short dia compe agc300g, but they are recessed nut so they maybe of no use. £25 if you can use them. nb i am on holiday till the 17th
Hi Jamie brakes again :LOL: I've got some 39-57 golden arrow hex bolt unfortunately its missing one of the original brake blocks

Edit: I don't think I read the post correctly :confused:


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Hi all
Thank you for the many replies. Apologies for not getting back to anyone sooner as have been away for a few days, drove down to Stokesley for the Jack Taylor ride/weekend with my boy, before visiting the National Train Museum on Monday and then heading back north visiting family in Glasgow.
So I will have a look at these brakes tonight and get back to everyone later tonight or in the morning. I will build some 650b wheels for it eventually if he really takes to it.
@pigman , I am pretty sure this was built for 650b wheels and not short reach, it's a pretty earlyish frame, Scottish built before moving south. I know that they were all built to order and built in many different styles if you like, the cable guides and brake bridge would suite a 650b but with sidepulls not centrepulls. Not much specific build records about so hard to get those details. This one was bought from a shop ages ago so no details what so ever.
My son loves it as it is his first build at 13, he loves it because it was bought for him, not one of my frames but most of all because it is Scottish and was built in Altbea with the bonus that the building they were built in is now the Arctic Convoy Museum, of which his great grandfather was heavily involved in the convoys and commended for. His want is for us to build it and then ride to the museum.

Are you doing a build thread on this Jamie or is there one started already ? It needs one as there is a great story behind it
650a I think was popular for British sports bikes, is that 26 x 1&1/8, 590 bead seat diameter? so just 3 mm larger than 650b.
This increases brake drop a touch.

650b was popular on French roadsters.