I've just started gathering parts to build a bike for my daughter. She is nearly ten and reasonably tall so will have 26" wheels but some parts will still need to be a bit smaller than normal. So I'm looking for storm short cranks, probably around 140-150mm. Anyone got anything that their kids have grown out of? Not looking for anything to expensive as they'll need to get longer soon I'm sure! I'll be running them single ring, it might need a guard on so not too fussed about bolt spacing etc.
(Give me a shout if you've got any other kids sized bits too - especially an xs frame)
Thanks for looking,
I've just started gathering parts to build a bike for my daughter. She is nearly ten and reasonably tall so will have 26" wheels but some parts will still need to be a bit smaller than normal. So I'm looking for storm short cranks, probably around 140-150mm. Anyone got anything that their kids have grown out of? Not looking for anything to expensive as they'll need to get longer soon I'm sure! I'll be running them single ring, it might need a guard on so not too fussed about bolt spacing etc.
(Give me a shout if you've got any other kids sized bits too - especially an xs frame)
Thanks for looking,