Shimano roulette!


BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
BoTY Winner
98+ BoTM Winner
OK the rules are simple, I don't run shimano anything on anything.

BUT on my new project i am looking for cranks and i have been given a pair of XT cough,cough!!

Now do i run them or do i find something a little less Shimanoee?

You decide, the first person to respond with either a yay or a nay will win.

The revolver is loaded,are you man enough PUNK ?

Al. :?
shimaNO, only when you have the full groupo :roll:
Thats a no then?


cheers mate!

I can trust you lot with my very soul. :D

Al, anyone got any cranks? :roll:
And bloody proud of it!!

Al, not running 'tat' for a little longer. ;)
Shimanos fine ,as long as its a complete groupo or the rear is the groupo above.

Whats the Crank year ?
No idea!!

The ugly fat four bolt thing! with the spline type outer ring cobbled together affair!! does that narrow it down?

I was thinking of getting a hack saw to them!

Al. :D