Shimano cartridge headset's


Old School Grand Master
Am i right in thinking that the cartridge bearings in Shimano headsets ) are all of the same generic dimensions?

I've a 1" LX I'd like to re use but the lower race has become indexed and died. I've found an STX 1" one and want to just rob it of it's bearings - would the fit?
Doh.. like a pillock i completely forgot about doing that.

I'm sure i saved the original bearings - i'll have a look and see if i can fins a reference no.

But knowing the bearings are a common fit is good too.
Just had an STX headset turn up this morning... At first glance it's identical to my LX one, just chrome instead of black.

Might save me having the cups fitted to the bike at the LBS. Or bodging it with a hammer and a plank.
Threaded steel rod, 3 nuts and big washers, plus wood (MDF or high density plastic) with holes drilled - nearly instant headset press. Oh and two big spanners!
Use a keyhole saw fitting for drill to get bits of wood to fit inside headset cups and so centre the whole affair. Crude but effective and no hammering involved. I've used it on all sorts of headsets, inc. King.