Wanted Shimano 600 Tricolour 8 speed brifter

My RH shifter only changes up with reluctance. Takes several clicks before it engages. If yours works as it should I'm deffo interested.
In view of post problems I'm happy for you to post after Xmas.
Any more details, price etc?
My RH shifter only changes up with reluctance. Takes several clicks before it engages. If yours works as it should I'm deffo interested.
In view of post problems I'm happy for you to post after Xmas.
Any more details, price etc?
Apologies if you’ve already tried it but a flush through the cable entry hole and anywhere else you can poke the straw in with wd-40 and working it back/forth through the gears while pulling on the cable sometimes sorts these out. Could obviously be something that’s buggered inside it but it’s rescued lots of shifters for me.
@bhill22 @Gtpulse
Thanks guys. Yes I've tried to flush it through once before. It did help the shifting problem, but it has come back again.
I ladled WD40 into the shifter this morning and have just done 2 hours on the turbo using it. Once again it has improved, but still feels not quite right. Difficult to put into words but shifting just feels a little "off". my concern is that the unit may be on it's last legs, and whilst it doesn't get an enormous amount of use I don't want to lose the bike because of this.
Can I ask @bhill22 if your offer of a pair still stands and if so how much are you looking for?
on my brifters I flushed them out, worked it back and forth, flushed it again, and gave it a go with mo-94 which is just a teflon lubricant spray can. that worked but there is the chance its broken inside.
I have ‘fixed’ dozens of pairs of brifters, by taking them apart (not All the way) and soaking/cleaning them. There has only been one set that couldn’t be fixed. YouTube has lots of videos showing how to dismantle them.