

Gold Trader
just a quick feeler really. i am quite a competent spanner wielder and was wondering what people thought of the idea of a mobile mechanic?
there might be some demand, depends where you live, but I doubt much money... but it depends on your motivation I suppose :D

good luck.
based in colchester, thought being sometimes you cant get to an lbs, or need something doing on a sunday? as i said just a sniff of an idea at the mo....
great idea, there is a guy near me doing it, i will dig out his website so you can see what he does, how he does it and what he chatges. Good luck, i would also love to be able to do this.
Thats an idea , I have been toying with for a while, up here in jordy land !

Due to the 'Credit Crunch' hitting my existing business really hard, and the injury to my back, I am looking for something to do that I will enjoy and could earn some dollar..., I have most of the tools required, have a vehicle to pick up and do on site repairs, not sure about things like pricing and also obtaining stock at trade prices ? and also how viable it would be long term, especially with people cutting right back on non essentials, there are a lot of cyclist up here and no local shops of any worth .. I think you need to assess the potential market in your area and maybe do some sort of survey..
Ok then guys here is the link for you. Now just to be sure, I do not know this guy, now have i ever used him, or met anyone that has, I just found the link and kept it. Have a look, and maybe get in touch. He looks like a one man band, or at least, is small enough only to cover the High Wycombe area in Bucks.

One day maybe..

Oh, and mod's you may want to move this post too :)
Try what i did to make a few quid , conntact your local police. if they use cycles . i put in a quote with the police and have been for the last few years servicing there bikes ,i get a fixed fee for service and they cover cost's of part's " which i get a % off" as they order of my mate so everyones happy it's not a fortune but i'm retired "41 and all my own teeth" but it covers my cost's on my bikes :LOL:

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