sept 1981 3 speed Raleigh bomber restoration

i was doing a google search to try and remember what LED lamps i used and this forum came up in the hits, heres a more recent photo

its now surpassed 40 years, bikes of historic interest ?

That is awesome! I'd doubt many made it passed the repeated attempt to wheelie that bent the front forks out or were just tossed when adulthood turned attention to cars and other halves. Great bit of nostaligia.
Jing's your first post on this bike was: May 23, 2013 .. I recall the Bomber from my youth. (The bad boys rode them that did not get into BMX) (Maybe just in my town at a certain age in the 80's)

The Bomber looks fantastic @darrenh - Keep it real :)
Absolutely fantastic, I grew up surrounded by Bombers, Grifters, Choppers and Burners but not seen a Bomber for years. You've done a great job, can't believe ive not seen this until now. Thanks for reviving this I've enjoyed it immensely.

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