Wanted Seatpost 30.9mm

Hi, had a good luck but it's not been too easy. Most of my oversized posts are in the 'standard' oversized size, and the one you're after is a good deal less common. Anyway, the closest I came was 30.8mm but I believe this size just caters to a particular brand (Giant?) of bike, and yours isn't this brand. I think yours has a fairly common oversized size but it seems I've run out of these, and I felt confident yesterday I'd have it seeing as I though I had most of the common sizes, but not in this case it seems. I do have a few other places I can have a 'last try' search, but this could be a week from now. It's a pity though, because I turned up a good few of the seat clamps, but obviously these aren't too much help for you without a post to match it with.
Yeah, I'd certainly try it myself, just didn't mention this as some peeps on the site are sticklers for having the exact size posts, especially when it's quite a common size so easy to find. Anyway, it's a pretty cheap post and I have it listed on my sales thread up on the LFGSS site so you can see a few pics: https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/395390/ It's a v long thread though, so to find it easily you might want to search for it's brand which is Propenent. The length should also be long enough, but let me know if not. And if it's any good then I'll let you have some pics of the clamps I've found.