Seat post stuck via dent in frame please help!


Dirt Disciple
been trying to remove this seat post for ages now , had it a vice and twisted it and what not but nothing.

Basically i bought a frame and the seat tube had been dented , but it also dented the seat post to locking it in place.
And meaning it will not pull out , i was thinking maybe heating the frame but i do not waht to damage the heat process that strengthens the frame.
Could some body please offer me info on this or is there somebody with the know how whom i can send it too please

Yes I'd recommend The Seatpostman, who recently removed a post for me:

Send him a photo and a description of the problem, via email on his website - if anyone can do it, I'm sure he can.

On the day of receiving my frame, he sent me an email saying that he had done the job, along with a photo of his work, and sent it back to me the next day.
The whole process only took a few days.

if its fixed in place with a dent then I would have thought the only way its coming out is to either dissolve it using caustic if its aluminium, or chop it down and carefully cut a slot or two out of it then bend it in and remove.
What material is the frame and seat post?
How deep is the dent?

Are you willing to sacrifice the seatpost?

If you are willing to pay someone to do it then seatpostman sounds liker best bet (not used his service)
Well I am waiting fo a reply from seat post man , and thanks for the help all,
Both frame and seat post are aluminium , could not care less about the seat post to be honest as I'm more concerned about the frame.
Any chance of posting a photo?

In theory you could glue a bolt to the dent and using a bar resting on the tube pull the dent out.

Whether the glue be strong enough ( e.g. two part epoxy) remains to be seen.
Relky deprnds on the value of the frame.
Else cut out the tube where the dent is, remove post, then patch the tube, may need reaming if you cannot use a short post safely.

Ideal situation would be to twist or push/pull the post so it forces the dent out.
Well I did do that and the dent pushed out a tad , but would not budge and did not like the loud creaking noises it started to make , I filled the dent with JB weld as I was just going to leave it stuck in but j would rather it out , well it is an expensive frame