Scottish version of L'Eroica - now The Bravo Scozia Ride

Alas due to recent bout of flu like illness I'm going to need to postpone any registration for this untill I know if I'll be able to rebuild my fittness for the event. My ME makes trainning for anything difficult and when a virus has floored me it takes even longer to get fighting fit again. Thus I cant commit at this time, sorry :roll:
I am totally up for this, but the £50 reg makes it a hard sell to friends (and partner). Everyone I have spoken too has been interested up until the point I mention the entry fee. I guess the plan is to drive up Friday afternoon - get a hotel or B&B in Strathpeffer and then send the Mrs onwards to Ulapool with car & camping equipment. I can't imagine how my legs are going to feel after this!
It's mainly tracks like that. Nothing that would worry a solid British roadster.

There are some sections that can be muddy or are rocky - rocky as in lumpy rather than technical.
The Bravo Scozia Ride
Posted by Mark Stevens ·
Its now official. The Ride is free. BUT there will be no lunch at Amat, no eve meal or Celidh. We can all get together at the Celidh Place for a drink and a prize at 7.00 onwards. You will need to self cater, self fix bike self fix first aid, self fix getting stranded. No sweeper. Be aware there may be no mobile signal much of the way.
There may be features added in years to come if it proves sucessful.