Here's mine that was built for me at Ilkeston by Gerald. The only nickel chrome Raleigh team colour scheme ever made. I wanted 753 but he wouldn't nickel plate it so went for 531 Professional. He asked me what Reynolds transfer I wanted and as I wasn't sure he put a 531 Professional at the top and a 531 SL one at the bottom Now at the time I had it built I was in the RAF and racing , but decided to sell it to purchase a car ! Managed to purchase it back minus all parts from the guy I sold it to 24 years later !!! still with my original wheels (18 mm ASSOS rims on Campag record hubs) , the Record C groupset that was originally on it was the 8th set in the uk at the time. Took me an age to build it back up again. Still undecided whether to fit Record C pedals as I originally had !