santa cruz superlight


i was talking with you by pm....

Yesterday in the morning we agree to confirm in the afternoom, after i take measures to compare in my other bikes.
Yesterday in the afternoon i sent to you a pm to confirm that i wanted to purchase the frame and to ask you about your payment details

This morning i have sent you another pm to ask you about payment details and with my posal address.

Which is the real situation?, have you sold the frame to Harry despite yesterday we agree a deal?
santa cruz

it is sold to harry and has been sent i know that you pm'd me regarding getting a size but i hadnt heard back from you so in the mean time harry wanted it and paid for it i couldnt wait for you to get back to me as you may not of had it. harry was 2nd in line and thus sold it to him altho no dibs were spoken of so i assumed it was still on sale. sorry mate
i asked you for time in order to give you a definitive reply until yesterday afternoon, you gave it to me, but you have not respected that time.

I fulfil my part and i gave you a reply yesterday afternoon, but you have not fulfilled your part.

You only did not heard about me in a few hours, from morning to afternoon, the hours that i needed to arrive home from work and check my other bikes sizes, the hours that yesterday you agree to wait.