
This bike gets better and better. Was that stem original, or did you have someone match the paint? Looks great.
yo-Nate-y":1p5nx0fd said:
This bike gets better and better...
I absolutely disagree. What is achieved by this stem and dropbar? :?
To brake you have to take anyway MTB position no back protection.

This is a mountain bike and even a best of ... but not what it has become now :cry:
"For me" are Salsa and dropbar like Laurel and Hardy
Stan Laurel was very good, Oliver Hardy was very good.
Together, they were genius.
It's not a question to be more comfortable.
It’s another way to appreciate your bike
The stem is a Salsa P 15 (so difficult to find (4 years)) . The color is new
And like I said "for me"
Dirt drops and salsa just go together so well



Beautiful bike. That dropbar is hardcore. (for me probably too much) Maybe because of that matched stem it looks even more brutal than it normally would :D