Brooks B17 or Pro, Certain Specialized BG saddles. Both are comfortable for me. Considerable hipster tax on Brooks now, the Spa leather saddles work for me too.
Flite for aesthetics, a more modern saddle for comfort, which has been moved between lots of bikes over the years and the logos are now worn off so cant remember the model.
As for retro, flites....more the gel ones now as my butt seems to be getting more bony!... i know people hate them, but after all these years i now have a flight shaped butt, so total comfort.
I used to exclusively use Flites but somewhere along the line my butt must have changed shape! I can only stand it for 10 or so miles these days. For retro, Bontrager, both Velo and Selle San Marco made, work for me which is handy. Shout out to the WTB SST as well. Modern and overall best is the Fabric Scoop Shallow. They're like they were made for me, absolute comfort.