Russian Mtb Contact?


Dirt Disciple
Hello to the faithfully,

Myself and my partner are traveling to Europe in November, spending time in Prague, Stockholm, Finland etc.

Were planning on visiting St Petersburg and Moscow at the end of November (dream destinations for us both)

Are there are any Russian members who can give us a heads up on the state of things at the monent given the whole Ukraine thing?

The Mrs has said "you better not drag me all over Europe looking at bikes parts", I say absolutely not"

Any help (or offers to tour Russian Mtb collections) very great fully accepted

EDIT ***** Im not interested in anyone's fare mongering, I'm asking a genuine question directed at anyone who has been there recently or any Russian members - thanks Lads

cheers ,

so......... I'm absolutely going to be looking for bike parts! :)


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Eastern Europe is very pretty, but I'd say this might not be the best time to visit Russia, considering 'the whole Ukraine thing'..
You cannot get into Russia except via Serbia, Turkey or points further east.
Here is the UK Government's advice on travel to Russia (TL/DR = don't):
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Hi guys,

Thanks for the advice, alot of research has all been done including discussions with freinds just over the Finnish border, and travel will be fine via turkey. Obviously we've done our homework before getting to this point. But was interested to get some info from the horses mouth so to speak in the form of someone who has been there very recently or is there now or even a Russian member, not sure if there are any?
