Running a disc brake adapter on an older frame


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So, my son wants disc brakes and despite buying him a frame I thought he'd like, he prefers one I have without disc mounts.

I have a couple of a2z adapters kicking around, is there any reason not to throw one on?

Frame in question is an airborne corsair ti. Iirc when I bought it, it had an adapter on, as did another old to frame I bought a while back, but that's going back to v brakes.

Do I need to think about anything other than bolting it on? Will a normal qr skewer be long enough?
I used an adapter on a '98 FSR XC with some low-end Hayes discs. A standard skewer was fine, but the adapter I used required taking the skewer all the way out to remove the wheel (it was a no-name Amazon adapter). Brakes were easy to set up and lined up well. I never rode it hard, so can't say much about reliability.
If you are worried about damaging the frame, I have used an A2Z on my titanium frame for several years without any issues. If the stays are weak, don't do it. That can go wrong. There is a reason that extra bracing is welded to the stays on disk frames. In my experience with titanium however it hasn't been an issue.
Thanks. The stays are er well stays, don't see them as weak, just normal. It won't be used for anything gnarly so maybe it will be fine. Good point though, will see what he intends to ride and decide from there.
I've got one of those style adapters on a '97 Marin Hawk Hill. Works great, but did require a bit of fiddling with files to get it to fit around the (steel) drop out.

I wouldn't fancy using one on a lightweight frame with nice flexy comfy stays (eg some nice older Kona's I've ridden), but don't have any worries about it on my Marin.

If you're vaguely concerned, fit a less grippy tyre on the back to limit braking forces and a slightly bigger rotor up front maybe?

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