Roll up Roll up sale now some karma parts

hate to think the worst but I don't get a good feeling. I was silly and payed by paypal gift and did not get any details from the guy (schoolboy error) I have e-mailed but have yet to get a response, anyone have any contact details?
So Sorry,

Hello . . . . . . . :oops:

I'll explain by pm about the delay, Short story is I have been away working for weeks, and have returned friday night to a major family issue, I understand this is not your fault, and beg your forgiveness, I'm going to check my PM's now For 1 more address i need and then straight to the post office.

Once im back, 30-45min, i'll post up the recipts or pm them if you'd prefer?
just to prove i've posted them.

Again I am so :oops:sorry for the delay and the lack of comunication, but working nights away and having no internet access made things imposible.

Gaz, i got your message and try'd to call you today, spoke to your partner at home she gave your work number but I got your answer phone.

Yours shamefully,

Dc :cry:

EDIT:- leaving for the post now. 12.53pm

Back asap
good to hear from you mate- thanks for the update, no-one here is to bothered about posting times but I fear the worst when you hear nothing.

Sorry about your family issues, hope things sort themselfs out.

At last


just got back, everything paid for is sent, if you would like proof i before postman pat in the morning i have recipts i can pm you a copy?

Thanks Gaz,

Actually, thanks everyone, Im really sorry about the delay, but was unavoidable,

Thanks again and sorry once more.

Daz :oops: