Roger Roche cromovelato SuperVitus 971 - 1970's


Senior Retro Guru
I have found a pretty rare french frame from the 70's which I find lovely

It is from a small framemaker - Roger Roche - not very well known but who has manufactured top quality stuff

Apparently, he worked for the Automoto brand for quite a a while before establishing his own shop near Saint Etienne I believe

The work on the lugs is awsome - they are so much filed that their thickness is minimal at the end of them :shock:

It is in Super Vitus 971 , the best french tube at the time ( lighter than Columbus SL :idea: :lol: ) and bocama competition lugs

And to add the icing on the cake, it is a full chromed frame with a pretty and rare multicolour cromovelato - not mint but decent

Dunno what to put on it yet ( possibly campa nuovo record as I have got a full french machine of the 70's and i don't see Dura Ace on this one) but it goes at the end of the queue as other works are in progress :facepalm: !

Unfortunately, the rear right end had a small split but it has now been repaired

Classy :). Chromovelato is transparent coloured lacquer sprayed over the chrome, drop dead finish :). Can be fragile though, Carlton did it BITD and called it acryllichrome. Full tubes or fade as in my Carlton Cobra.


yes quite fragile

on the left side - quite a few scratches on mine - right side was better and I touched up it a bit with different markers !

actually , also on mine there was a transparent cromovelato on on the seatstays and I removed it ( quite easy with 000 steelwool) and a superb chrome is underneath !
may do the seatube to - the cromovelato finish is a bit matt here

here some cromovelato pics ... QsAQ&dpr=1
Thats lovely, reminiscent of Carlton's Achrylichrome finish, will need some looking after. I like the lugs too, very similar to standard Carlton lugs, only feathered in more.
A lovely frame this one and all things considered, age etc, its in very good condition.
Should build up nice but I must admit I wouldn't know what to build it with to compliment the colour :)


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