Rocky mountain altitude...exeter

What a great bike. I use to ride the same bike, same size but a 92. Best bike i ever had. This one is unique since it's a team edition without the wishbone. Same as Alison Sydor in 93. Lucky you guys living in UK :)
looking good, some nice kit on it, some not so retro ones, but whats going on with the fork - rust visible on the surface, or debris - does he mention anything, or did I miss something in his sales discription ?

luckyboy: he will send abroad, if neccesary :LOL:
I had the exact same frame, though in 18.5". Awesome bike!
And yes, rare as team colours. Being in Exeter, this may well have been my team mate Nick Brocks frame from BITD, there weren't many of these..

The description 'The steel frame is very stiff' is frankly bollox.
Howver, 'amazingly light' is on the money. 3.9lbs.

Damn it being too large!!! Nearly fell off chair when saw the link. Doh!
Would have been a price no object if smaller. Could tell if was mine too as had a great dent in underside of downtube :)
Pic of mine (crap from vid) while we were waiting for the RM kit (not the most organised of people..)


  • Andy RM.jpg
    Andy RM.jpg
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Could help out with picking up if he quotes to much for postage ;)
FluffyChicken":1oe65qh2 said:
gump, Do I need it ?
It has a different frame design and a different tubeset to your 1991 Altitude, so of course you need it!

I don't know the tube specifications of Ritchey Logic, but I have read that the variation from standard Tange Prestige was only in using shorter butts, i.e., varying the length of butt to the length of the cut tube required for different sizes. This implies that it was still a standard 0.9-0.6-0.9 tubeset like Prestige MTB.

The Tange Ultimate Superlight tubeset used on the 1993 Altitude is a 0.8-0.5-0.8 tubeset, so lighter and less stiff. No doubt the designer dialled in some compensating extra weight/stiffness elsewhere in the frame, but even so you might expect the overall design to be slightly lighter and less stiff than the 1991 frame.

Whether that makes it better or worse for you is something you may never know, unless you buy this one of course.
Anthony, you're not helping :LOL:

My Altitude is not 'stiff'* but very comfy, maybe I should ask dekerf if he knows the difference in the tubing as he stuck it all together:LOL:
and there where different grade of RL tubing, I doubt mine was of the WCS spec.

I do believe that this will end up over my bid though so as you guess i'll never know.

I always wanted one from this year, it would be a go 1/2lb lighter (as would a 1992 probably)

*probably is, but the fell of stiffness is not there, I would like to compare it to a '92 when they switched to tange, milled everything but kept the same basic design.
As you know my Explosif is stiffer, yet the same weight.
Most definately do need it. Best bike I ever owned. The Fat 10th is close second. If one came up, really, price would not be a concern. There was one in Germany some time ago, but dented and rough as. Passed at the time, maybe shouldn't have.

So quick, light, springy and looks soo nice. Big difference to the previous years. Mix of tig and fillet. Loved mine. Get it. You wont regret, but don't expect same as the 91.

Sold the whole bike with a load of bling and M900 Mav ceramics for £800 back in the day. Gutted now.

I have a 94 TO I need to build still, which as far as I can tell, is same frame..
Just need to choose bits to suit. it, if its your size, its rare and well worth a punt. I never knew we were getting red/yellow as distributor came and showed us the green/burg before it was available. At first was a bit sad at the colour when it turned up, but after a few minutes loved it. Classic and so classy.