Wanted Rockshox Quadra 21R

Cheers Sparky. I’ll keep dosing the WD and keep my fingers crossed. While I have you,
… once I’ve got them open, what are your thoughts on replacing the elastomers with springs? The bike will only be used around town

Fguki - worthwhile 👍🏼
Well ...its plastic in metal. It cant even really be glued together. Please heat it a little and unscrew them counter clockwise. Maybe you turned in the wrong direction :-)

Rock Shox Quadra 21R elastomers by Falko Schlötel Germany.webp

Rock Shox Quadra 21R elastomers by Falko Schlötel Germany unscrewed.webp
Unfortunately it's a fine thread in plastic and sometimes changes in the materials/overtightness can cause enough fiction to overcome the hex head, even with a well- fitting socket.

On the positive side because its only plastic you can cut out the damaged part, and then hunt down replacements 👍