Wanted Rockshox Quadra 21R


Old School Hero
Anyone got any wrecked or spares or repair or even parting out some Quadra 21R’s? I’ve misplaced two parts from a pair that I’ve restored and can’t build them back up until I have them.
Hi all, I know this is an old thread but I was wondering if anyone can offer any advice on removing the plastic top caps the Quadra 21Rs?

I’m refurbing my mum’s old GT from the 90s. The shocks are stuck solid and I’m certain have never been serviced. I’ve tried a 22mm socket a couple of times but it keeps slipping and is beginning to round the edges. I don’t want to go mad as it seems near impossible to buy replacement caps for these now. Can I retro fit some other type of cap?

Any suggestions welcome.



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They shouldn’t be in there too tight, it’s only a plastic thread into the aluminium. You could try a bit of wd40 and then an adjustable spanner worked gently back and forth should be enough to get them out.