Rockhopper or Palisades Trail for touring ?

Also, are the tube dia the same...fatter tubes are stiffer, so better for a swaying luggage bike.

Also are the seattubes the same length, even if the heads are? Why? If you need to bail a lower top tube can help getting in and off. My specialized 88 was very tall at the seattube end...
Totally subjective, but I built a bike pack bike out of a like new '94 Bear valley that was my dads.. I figure the things not the lightest but from what my mates did to them back in the day I reckon its bomb proof, its tange tubed, mine had a Girvin flexstem from new which everything everyone says about ref tightness of steering etc, but it does help with bumps in its new role..!
I had them as a teen had a couple, found the geometry as I recognise now a bit neutral as after various brands I fell for Kona's of the same period,
but touring is not what I was doing then, for the job the Marin is an excellent choice.
I bought another for spares, as its only stx.. so ive a complete bike in the shed that cost me £45 thats mint securing that bikes future for my lifetime.
I ponder what's the spec of both, if similar and you like the specialized , maybe part out the Marin as a spares package, one less bike, no real work..
Ive never had specialized, never fancied one but I think its probably two peas in a pod at that time?
I don't want to put a negative spin on such an enjoyable thread but given where tourers are often left unattended, sometimes over night, which frame looks the least attractive to thieves?
True, very true. The Marin is solid but rough paint wise so if that's going to be used I was planning on getting it powdercoated in a single colour without decals, so it's presentable but not flash.