Yestdeays? I know your a bit of a yokel, but yestyeads? :facepalm:
I'm afraid I'll have to put a link to the photos, as for some reason I can't upload them from my new android phone to Flickr! :roll: :facepalm:
Had a few miles ride to get there. Sadly wasn't motivated to do the 30 miles each way, as I'd planned. Looking fresh, well I had only done three miles! ... e=5ADFAB6B
First there, no sooner had I pulled up outside the pub, when some seedy little man with a familiar face kerb crawled towards me. Ah yes, I remember, it was Spud! Flippin' eck, Spud! From like 2 1/2 hrs drive away through, like, counties and stuff! :shock:
Disappearing to find a parking space, he was soon back dressed, er , keenly, shall we say! And with his shiny Trek fishing line bike. Swiftly followed by Tim, on his lovely red S Works, which despite the banter, didn't look too bad with some flat bars on it. And then Godders too, with old faithful Saeco 'Dale. ... e=5AFB97A9
Ready for the off!
TBH, I've no bloody idea where we were for most of the ride, but the roads were mainly nice and quiet, a real breath of fresh air. Literarry, innit!
After at least several miles, Spud was starting to wilt, probly due to overheating, so we thought it time to lift his spirits and head for the cake stop.
Well, if you think it's sometimes frosty 'oop north, you come down here and get a table at this cafe! Couldn't have been more unwelcoming, short of locking the doors! 'We're full, sorry' was spluttered out by someone looking more vindictive than her age suggested she would be. Thankfully Tim had been here before, so asked if we could have a table outside. That was acceptable. Thanks :roll:
Cake and drinks ordered, we waited, and waited. Then the Sun came out, and lo and behold . . . . we had cake! But no drinks. We had to wait until we'd nearly finished the cake ( served on what looked like bits of an old chopping board! ) before they came! Spud had kindly made a special request while I was back at the table, and my rock hard flapjack came out with candles propped up against it. 50. Cheers mate, loved the sentiment! Unlit of course, well these things can be LETHAL!
It was touch and go as to who would had the strongest will. The flapjack, or my teeth! It was a close thing, but I think I just about won that one! ... e=5AE1DF78
So after some much needed sustenance, we were off again, through, er, somewhere south of Birmingham. At one point we came across a small herd of deer, managed to get a photo before they disappeared. ... e=5AFEAC5D
A bit more rolling road, then we were back in Havant, around 71km later. Tim very kindly gave me, like for free, a computer for my bike. Very generous, thanks mate

I have a nice white bike that will look good on
Then we said our farewells and went our separate ways.
Thanks for organizing it Tim, great route! Nice to see you all, even the man from the west coutry
P.S. Next time, I'm taking a proper camera!