RM Blizzard stickers


Devout Dirtbag
Hi there! have a complete RM blizzard sticker set. It`s been collecting dust since Y2K,and since my 99 blizzard are now retired after 10 years of trusty service(still in fine cond!),I will never use these. Hope someone can use these for a rocky steel project? all I want is the postage costs..


  • rm.JPG
    244.9 KB · Views: 643
Can I take them please, I will run scans of them and then pass them onto the next lucky person in the UK

Would be very useful for future Blizzard owners

Let me know where to send the postage fees
i will find out about the postage cost. Can you PM your adress to me? i`ll see if I can send it the following week.

As soon as I have got them sorted I will pass them onto you for the same deal as Lenni is giving me

Good Karma all round :)