Ritchey, Rock Shox, Salsa, Specialized, others

Once again proving that you should never take anything I say too seriously! :lol:

I wonder where I've got that from then, an earlier model perhaps. Did I mention that they're lovely pedals...?
elPedro666":31atwgwu said:
Once again proving that you should never take anything I say too seriously! :lol:
I try not to, sir :)

elPedro666":31atwgwu said:
I wonder where I've got that from then, an earlier model perhaps. Did I mention that they're lovely pedals...?
I think these are the fruit of some old ebay spree... I was about to build 'nineties-Ritchey based bike,
but I failed due to lack of resources.

And I just found this picture (from http://oldmountainbikes.com/catalogs/ ) :


'96 model is a bit lighter (like mine), and yes - they are lovely.