Ritchey P-22 Finished, and 1st ride!

Re: Re:

NeilM":2414kihn said:
All coming along very nicely Mr M.

Thanks matey, ;)

Was hoping to get some more done today, but ACTUALLY went out for a ride instead! :shock:
Been busy doing house stuff since. Got more paint on the stem though, looking good so far! :cool:


Hi fellow retro friends! ;)

Made a little bit more progress today.

Finished the stem, thanks to one of my friends sending me some decals, and a couple of clear coats later, this is what we have.

I have checked and double checked. That Ritchey decal is definitely straight!
Now baking nicely next to the radiator!

Also cleaned the pedals for it, I only use spd and wanted some more Ritcheyness!

I will be painting these up once I've stripped them down.

Also, I wanted to use the M735 short cage rear mech I bought a while ago. That was until a local retro friend of mine , Shinobi on here, gave me a long cage one in better condition. :facepalm:

So I decided to put the short cage on the good body. There was so much crap in side the short one, it was a credit to the big S that it was still working! :roll:

It really didn't want to come apart!
But after a wash in white spirit, soap and water and a polish, it was looking far more acceptable!

Washed the rest of the bits of mech, and re-assembled,

And ready to go!

After which, I cleaned the other one up, regreased and reassembled. Now in the spares box.

Also had a think about what I wanted to do with these slightly tatty thumbies.

Faded mounts and the top caps have seen better days. Our favourite decal doctor doesn't have the caps on file, new ones would be expensive, if they could even be found, and better condition shifters even more expensive.

A plan came together.

To be continued . . . .

Re: Ritchey P-22, another update, 19th Nov

firedfromthecircus":jcsdwsnk said:
Great work Mike. :cool:

I'm amazed at those cantis. Look proper spiffy.

Thanks mate ;) Hope they last a couple of rides before all that blackness chips of! :LOL: :LOL:

I'm very pleased with how this bike is coming together


Stop it, I'm getting embarassed :oops: :LOL:

Coomber, have a look on the Todays Ride thread mate, page 83 I think ;)


So we take all these parts, clean them, polish them, repaint and apply costly new decals to them, we then lovingly and carefully assemble the whole kit'n'caboodle together, making sure we don't chip any paint, or scratch any polished alloy.... then we ride them through axle deep mud, down rocky hills that would give a mountain goat the collywobbles, through streams, ploughed fields and over snow covered hills. After that we take them home, and carefully wash, dry, oil and polish out pride'n'joy.

We are, without shadow of a doubt, clinically insane.

Aren't we?

Keep up the good work Mr. M.

Two helicopters, a roast kipper and a WOOOOOOP de do.

Re: Ritchey P-22, another update, 19th Nov

Rampage":3lufnwoz said:
Be careful spraying stems, it might not fit into the forks!

I did wonder about that. May have to take the paint back to where the stem will sit if it's too tight.
