RIP Pat Adam's


Retrobike Rider
Just read on Geoff waughs Instagram that pat has passed away. The bloke that in mind heart got so many of us together through mountain mayhem. Without it the community would be very different in retrospect.

So, let's see some pics from MM, the groups, medals, stories etc and let's remember raleighs finest masseur and event instigator.
My memory of Pat starts from a little earlier than MM - in fact I'd left the scene before that started, so I remember him from around '95/'96 when RedBull first appeared on the scene. I've always assumed he was associated with RedBull but I'm not sure if that is accurate. Nice bloke. RIP.
Very sad news . He was a great friend for well over 50 years and in recent times we spoke on the 'phone at least once a week, chewing the fat on all sorts of topics (occasionally even cycling!). I will really miss him. Very good piece in the online Single Track magazine by Chipps.

RIP old mate.
So sad to hear this. 😪

Mayhem was the start of a story for me. I'd never done a mountain bike event. In fact I'd barely ridden a mtb trail. But the lure of Mayhem and meeting everyone in 2017 proved too much so not even being able to drive I managed to get a £50 Kona, bodged it together in a weekend and hopped on a train to Gatcombe Park in 2017. The course scared me, the bike terrified me and I hated camping but it was the best thing I'd ever done and because of that I had to enter a 24hr mtb event every year. I was useless but that event gave me a purpose as I wanted to do a little bit better every year. Even when I was forced off the bike in 2020 and I was in my darkest days, it was the hope of Mayhem returning that kept me fighting. That event in 2017 was literally a pivotal moment for me. A reminder that you don't have to be the best at something to enjoy it I've never felt as welcome as I did there.

I guess, in a way, Pat was a big part of my life the past 7 years, even though I barely knew him. It was his passion for bringing everyone together to share their love of mtb that gave me that reason to keep riding.

RIP Pat. Thankyou for giving me that passion.


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