Ringle Bottle Cage Alternatives


Retro Guru
Will soon be putting the finishing touches to my Pace build and need to consider a nice retro bottle cage that isn't Ringle. All I can remember from back in the day are Blackburn Mountain cages which you can still get today, any other alternatives that people might be using? Oh, it must be black.
Kings are just a standard cage like many you could buy.

But depends what you want from a cage, something to hold a bttle securly, or something to look nice (That King by the looks of it and Ringle fall into the look nice, Ringle can hold securly, but you'll not actually be able to use it ;-))
Looks and performance are zen. I think I've been suckered by the 'made in Durango since 91' of the King but it looks frighteningly similar to any other £3.99 cage