Rigid Forks

Can you give us a bit more to go on Ben?

Twenty quid Hack or money no object BotY masterpiece? How long is long? Axle to crown? Disc or canti? Steel or carbon? Threaded or not? Pink or green? Straight or curved? How much for all the fish? ;) :LOL:

Or do we throw you something random & you have to build an appropriate bike around them - I really like that idea! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Hope you're enjoying the hols :cool:
The forks are for a '92 Cannondale M800 BOTE with a 170mm 1 1/4 head tube. I don't mind using reducers so I think it will need to be around 230-250mm for an 1 1/8.
Not fussed about paint condition.
'ta, Ben.
Crikey, that's a lorra lorra steerer, nothing here with that much on I'm afraid...

You might find you're better off with a threaded set up so you don't need quite so much? But file that away as a PlanB maybe ;) :LOL:
1/4" 220mm Peperoni just gone up for sale - might be perfect with a low stack-height hs & stem? Loved my peps before my (second) 'Dale was nicked :evil:

I've attempted a bit of a dibbing, but think you might need to move quick! ;)