RetroRoadRide Series 2013 - Rd 1: Gospel Pass Ride

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I think the real fly in the ointment could be the risk of ice returning. Current forecast not that good at all so I am going to ignore it now until Friday night to give it the chance to improve :)
Please note that initial post has been updated with the meeting point, Hampton Bishop Village Hall where there is ample parking. Might be an idea to bring little LED lights in case the light gets a bit murky in the afternoon.

Only a few days to go.....
Any chance that the route might take more gritted roads? Looking at the temps there could be a few ice spots with water draining off the hills getting frosted overnight. Not sure what the options are though in that part of rural britain.
Will obviously adapt route based on weather on the day but in essence gritted roads round here equal main roads.
A quick update re roads, gritting, ice etc.

The forecast for tomorrow is the same as for today in Hereford. There was no frost on the car this morning nor on the fields and the main roads weren’t gritted. There wasn’t any ice so fingers crossed the same applies tomorrow.

I’ve also organised some post ride food as figured with low temperatures and some long drives back it would help to leave with a full stomach. This was intended to be very simple but the Little Boss has got carried away so there are three courses on offer and vegetarians are catered for.
Ace Ed!!

Same here weather wise cold but not frozen , Just be steady and safe over the pass and be happy days 8)
Can anyone fit a laptop in their tool bag? be fireing up the electric yogurt pot for first time for 3 months!! fully charged!! :lol:
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