Both, I have no problem using non-period correct parts, I also like to re-create bikes that are period correct, including the components, a lot of which work just fine even today.
I don't do nostalgia.....its a foreign country where they did things nick a phrase. Looking back is like hitting yourself with a big stick...pointless and normally painful.
I dont keep any stuff from the past, just because its stuff from the past....i don't feel its a good reason...i ride the bikes i ride because i like them....but it doesn't stop the nagging over "am i using an approved part"
I suppose that's what CAN sometimes be the downside (if I can call it that) with Retrobike and also with some car clubs that I am a member on, you almost feel you have to build bikes/cars a certain way.
I love my Roberts but I want to put XT V Brakes on it but cant bring myself to - even though on an average ride I meet a couple of deers, a farmer and possibly one other rider.
I’m with you. There seems to be a general consensus the keeping things “catalogue correct” is the ideal scenario ’round here. If not that, then subdued appearances are the next best approach. I think some of it is cultural, as I observe that we like loud designs in the US while folks on the European continent are drawn to bland aesthetics.
Obviously, any bike you build is your own, and you should appease none other than yourself.
I find that for my bikes, my brain has an algorithm that weighs retro, aesthetic, color, reliability, resale, ease of use, theme, durability, and purpose of any given component I slap onto my ride. That algorithm is continually variable and I can in no way define even for myself what it is. Intuition is the only voice that says “that’s just right, you’re done building”.
Bottom line, this is my rulebook, and I urge all others to follow suit;
Well I am what’s classed as a “bike tart” I take detailing very seriously, and when someone’s got it wrong, I shout at them in my head
Do what’s best for you, not others, I think I am the only person in town with a Retrobike. But I think older bikes are so much cooler. If someone were to complain about how it’s “out dated” or “slow because it’s old” then I just carry on with my day
I dont think I could ever be accused of doing things for other people....if I had, life would be very different.....and really not in a good way.
I think one reason could be that I don't really see retro as retro...the bikes I use are the bikes I use, most are old, some I've had a very very long time, but adding new / non catalogue parts isn't really a problem as they have been evolving since day 1.
I could see that if you "got into" retro bikes, to fulfill as @pw_pw_la said a regressive need, that having thecexact bike you wanted way back when, is the appeal....and you want what you want!
But it still doesn't explain that slight "itchiness" as @widowmaker said about putting the "wrong " brakes on.....