Just spoken to my Dad. He's happy for me to borrow his generator. It's got a 1000 watt output so it should be adequate for our needs assuming Mr K doesn't crank it up to eleven too often.
spent the day today starting to pack ready for mayhem. as many bikes as poss have been cleaned and now will not be used till mayhem, done all my shopping for camping supplies, packed some bikes into boxes and tried to work out just how many bikes will actually fit in the van!!!
believe it or not i don't have much time before we go! on thursday next week i have 2 days riding in wales then straight to bristol for a stag weekend then 2 days work then a nightshift and after getting up from that nightshift i go straight to mayhem! so the van needs to be packed on wednesday after being away for 4 days and 2 work days so i need to be sorted a week in advance!!