For Sale Retrobike snoods - taking orders (order book now closed)

Just let us know when you're ready for payment

Aye, let me know when you want some lolly.

Haven't really figured out the best way to do this yet. I still need to buy some envelopes and figure out a postage cost, to get a total for everyone, but without measuring and weighing I could get it wrong. Definitely don't want to go into the realms of taking two payments off each person (one for the item and one for postage) or issuing multiple Paypal refunds (if I estimate the cost incorrectly).
I've borrowed the money from my savings for my 2022 tax account so won't need it for a while. Probably easiest if I just wait until they're delivered to me and go from there.

If anyone knows a good supplier of recycled/recyclable envelopes, that won't fall apart during transit, then give me a shout. Probably needs to be an envelope, rather than a mailing bag, to be classed as a large letter?
Large Letters have a maximum length of 353mm x 250mm with a depth of no more than 25mm. And weigh no more than 750g.

so thats a bit bigger than A4 and and inch thich. I reckon a poly posting bag

you could get 200 from here for £18
If anyone knows a good supplier of recycled/recyclable envelopes, that won't fall apart during transit, then give me a shout. Probably needs to be an envelope, rather than a mailing bag, to be classed as a large letter?
I use the 5 for a quid jiffy bags out the pound shop. They do the job, though i usually reinforce with a piece of tape.

Any updates ?. I know we've all caused you to be out a few quid from setting this up, so the quicker we can get the funds to you the better you'll feel.
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I'm not expecting to hear anything for another week or so, but will update as soon as I know more